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Petill-Hudnall Wedding Makes for Amazing Bridesmaids Photo

This photo is bittersweet for many reasons. First of all, this was the last wedding that I photographed as it is now just too hard to book myself so far in advance, so I am working more with commercial photography as well as my own freelancing. Second, this is probably one of the best bridesmaids photos that I have taken. I mean, everything in this photo is perfect. All of the girl’s legs were in just the right position. The focus on the bouquets is spot-on and I love how the sepia tone behind the girls sets off their colors with an antique yet classical look. Lastly, my girlfriend was one of the bridesmaids so this photo makes it all that much better.

Check out another one of my best bridesmaids photos featuring this bridal party in a beautifully done color spotting photograph!

If you are looking for a last minute Northwest Indiana wedding photographer, please contact me for more information.

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Printing this photo for public use or display without prior written consent is strictly prohibited. For information about the use and licensing of this photo, please refer to the Creative Commons license and copyright disclosure in the paragraph below. Newspapers, magazines and all other publications wishing to publish this photo can refer to my licensing terms and agreement or can contact me directly for any requests and inquiries not covered in my licensing terms.

Creative Commons License
Bridesmaids Legs by Joey B. Lax-Salinas is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at https://www.joeyblsphotography.com.