I’ve driven through Vermont twice and from a photographer’s standpoint, one thing about Vermont is that you never know what you’ll come across. One minute you might be driving past a beautiful modern home, then a cemetery from the 1800s, then a beautiful ranch followed by abandon and dilapidated buildings along a main state highway. The photo above featuring an old building and closed business billed as “Tucker Cars Garage” was taken on a whim as I drove by. I had my camera in my lap, just snapping away at random things I seen; old gas stations, barns in Vermont and anything else worthy of a shot. I even took a nice photo of an old Vermont house while driving about 40mph. I didn’t think ahead at how I would frame this shot, I just snapped it and this is what I got. Of course, with a little bit of Photoshop love and some tweaks in Aperture and with my Topaz plug-ins, I made a little bit of magic happen and have another storytelling photo to add to my collection.
This photo was taken in Hardwick, Vermont. If you look off to the right on the old garage, there is a thin white sign in the storefront window. That sign is an old Continental Tires sign which I was also able to get a good photo of.
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Tucker Cars Garage in Hardwick, Vermont by Joey B. Lax-Salinas is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at https://www.joeyblsphotography.com.