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Hardwick, Vermont near Connie’s Kitchen and S & J Fitness

Road signs in Hardwick, Vermont near Connie's Kitchen Bakery & Deli.

This photo was taken in Hardwick, Vermont in May 2011 near Connie’s Kitchen Bakery & Deli and S & J Fitness, both of which are located along the main road going through Hardwick, VT.

Hardwick, Vermont wasn’t a town that I was planning on driving through, but I did end up going through there as I was taking a detour off of US 2 during the spring 2011 rains that hampered much of the northeast throughout the months of April and May. US 2 had been closed in several sections due to overflowing rivers as well as many areas where the ground was leaking out from under the road causing it to buckle and collapse. In fact, in one area along our detour, I drove around a bend and right through about three inches of rushing water that was beginning to crumble half of the two lane road I was driving on. Crews were there and surely it was only a matter of minutes before that roadway was closed to traffic.

The detour ended up taking more time than we had though (mainly due to a Memorial Day parade that backed up traffic in town and closed some of the local roads) but shortly after passing through Hardwick, I took an amazing photo of the side of a barn near Sabin Pond in Woodbury, all be it while driving 45 miles an hour. It was one of those moments where I had my camera, saw the barn and just lifted the camera and took the photo and kept driving. I also took a photo of Tucker Cars in Hardwick and one of an old Continental Tires sign in a window. which after a little bit of Photoshop effects, looks like a rustic and interesting old place that is loaded with history. Those lucky moments don’t come often; most of the time it ends up being too blurry to use.

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Creative Commons License
Hardwick, Vermont near Connie’s Kitchen and S & J Fitness by Joey B. Lax-Salinas is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at https://www.joeyblsphotography.com.