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Venus Transit Over the Sun on June 5, 2012

The final Venus transit over the sun for over one hundred years.

This is a photo of the Venus transit over the Sun on June 5, 2012, taken from Schererville, Indiana. This photo was taken just before sunset, around 8:15pm. The photo above is the same photo as the one below, except in the below photo I left the tree and the street light to provide some perspective to the size of Venus as it passes over the sun. If you look closely, you can see what looks like small solar flares near the center of the sun and one just above Venus.

This photo was taken using a tripod-mounted Canon 5D Mark ii DSLR camera using a 100-400 telephoto lens, fully extended using a wired shutter release at a shutter speed of 1/8000 of a second and F-stop at 40.

Check out my solar eclipse photo taken last month!

NEWS AGENCIES: I give permission for any news or weather agency to use this photo in any broadcast during the month of June 2012. Please credit the photo to Joey B. Lax-Salinas / JoeyBLS Photography. If published online, please site JoeyBLSPhotography.com as the source.

Don’t forget to check out my photography page, including several other storm and weather photos and other photos taken from around the county!

The final Venus transit over the sun for over one hundred years.