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President Obama at Gary Roosevelt HS in Northwest Indiana

In April 2008, then Senator Barack Obama made a campaign stop at Roosevelt High School in Gary, Indiana as he made one of several campaign stops in Northwest Indiana before eventually defeating Hillary Clinton and winning the Presidential primary and then later the Presidential election in 2008. President Obama made several trips to NW Indiana during the 2008 Presidential campaign, including a stop at a Schoop’s Hamburgers in Portage and a stop at Munster Steel in Munster, IN and on Halloween, just days before the general election,  I witnessed President Obama in Wicker Park in Highland give one of his last public speeches before being nominated as President-Elect of the United States of America.

The 2008 democratic primary campaign was a heated battle between then Senator Barack Obama and Senator Hillary Clinton that lasted well into the months of June. During the campaign season, both candidates came through Northwest Indiana visiting prospective voters in the upcoming 2008 Indiana primary election. When this photo was taken, I had already seen Hillary Clinton at the Hammond Civic Center and in the next month would meet President Bill Clinton at Villa Cesare in Schererville after a brief speech while he campaigned for his wife, Senator Hillary Clinton, in May 2008.

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Senator Barack Obama visits Roosevelt HS in Gary, Indiana as he pays a visit to Northwest Indiana in April 2008.

Copyright 2008 – Joey B. Lax-Salinas / JoeyBLS Photography

Senator Barack Obama visits Roosevelt HS in Gary, Indiana as he pays a visit to Northwest Indiana in April 2008.

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President Obama at Roosevelt HS in Gary, Indiana by Joey B. Lax-Salinas is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at https://www.joeyblsphotography.com.