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Dixfield, Maine on US Route 2 at the Webb River Bridge

Dixfield, Maine is located in the eastern portion of the state along US Route 2, about a three hour drive north of Portland, Maine. This photo shows the town of Dixfield, Maine and the bridge that separates the town from the next town of Mexico, Maine. When looking over the bridge to the north (left), the beautiful Webb River in Maine cascades through rocks forming picturesque whitecaps, then opening to a larger and calmer area on the south end of the bridge.

Be sure to check out all of my photos in Maine, including photos taken at Acadia National Park in Bar Harbor, Maine.

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Creative Commons License
Dixfield Maine US Route 2 by Joey B. Lax-Salinas is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at https://www.joeyblsphotography.com.